In America the rich gets richer ....billionaires are becoming very common . Some of them could buy a whole country! I published an article in July about a Mexican mobile communication magnate , Carlos Slim who still currently rank the richest men in North America/World with a staggering USD67.8billion !
http://www.woopidoo.com/biography/carlos-slim-helu/index.htmHere are the top 5 super riches by Forbes 400 in terms of the following catergories .......
Top 5 Riches In America......
Bill Gates Nett Worth :$59 billion (Self-made) Source :Software -- Microsoft
Warren Buffett Nett Worth :$52 billion (self-made) Source:Investing -- Berkshire Hathaway

Sheldon Adelson Nett Worth :$28 billion(Self-made) Source: Gambling/leisure -- Las Vegas Sands
Larry Ellison Nett Worth :$26 billion (self-made)Source:Software -- Oracle
Sergey Brin /
Larry Page(pic) (tie) Nett Worth :$18.5 billion (Self-made) Source :Technology -- Google
Top 5 Richest Woman In America.......
Abigail Johnson Nett Worth: $15 billion (Self-made,some inherited) Source:Finance
Oprah Winfrey Nett Worth :$2.5 billion(self-made) Source :Media/entertainment

Marilyn Carlson Nelson and family Nett Worth: $2.2 billion(Self-made,some inherited) Source:Service industry
Margaret Magerko Nett Worth :$2 billion (self-made,some inherited) Source:Retailing

Margaret Whitman Nett Worth :$1.4 billion (Self-made) Source:Technology -- eBay
Top 5 Richest in Sports in America........
Micky Arison Nett Worth : $5.8 billion(Inherited and growing) Source:Miami Heat
William Davidson Nett Worth :$4.5 billion (Inherited and growing) Source:Detroit Pistons

Charles Dolan and family Nett Worth: $3.2 billion(Self-made) Source: Madison Square Garden, New York Knicks, New York Rangers
Carl Pohlad Nett Worth :$3.1 billion(Self-made) Source: Minnesota Twins
Glen Taylor Nett Worth : $2.7 billion Source :Minnesota Timberwolves
Top 5 richest in Real Estate in America.........

Stephen Ross Nett Worth :$4.5 billion(Self-made) Source : Centerline Holding

Matthew Bucksbaum and family Nett Worth:$3.3 billion(Self-made) Source :General Growth Properties

John Sobrato and family Nett Worth :$3 billion(Self-made) Source:Various real estate