The Battle : Local insurgents and mercenaries against the well-armed tactical Hornets!
Venue : Kuching Paintball ,Behind Wisma Serberkas
Weapon : 14" Airgun (up to 100 rounds)
Arnament: Paintball
Protection : Bodyvest and Face mask
Price : RM50 per head for first 100 rounds and equipments. Soldiers of Fortune prepare to fight to the death .
The Battlefield ........,your only protection from your enemies are the bunkers and barriers.
The batlle for supermacy is about to begin........
The last mission.....fight until the last man standing!!
The wall of the bunker is your last line of defence against the incoming high-velocity sprays of painballs from the Hornets!!
My first paintball medals of honour for me but surely I be back to reap the Hornets until they are defeated!
Next battle mission will be in Semariang.......will be more action packed as it would be jungle warfare. Any of you mercenaries or war vets wanna me and you welcome to fight!!
Anyway fun .....with bruises and cuts especially!
Watch the Video!!