Picadilly..the setting for the most demonic event of the year.
Meet me the Red Devil and my Princess of Darkness.......
October 31st ...as I drove out after a homecook meal at my gf's(ex) place , I was on the way to Picadilly and the things that was going through my mind was that it could be boring. So I snuff out a fag wind down my car window puffing out the smoke and my damn phone been ringing constantly..."loo lai boi,loo lai boi(hokkien) means are u on the way?
So it took me 15min from Batu Kawa to downtown ..and damn there wasn't a carpark that is not taken. Shit..in my mind I thought maybe I was wrong after all ....phone's ringing non-stop "loo kow boi , cabor see bay chay kar mey liaw" means are you here already,lot of girls here and hurry up!!!
When I got in ...the first word I recieved was ...fuck ,why are u not in all black and what is this??!! (commented by Alex) . You see the theme was all black and some including me didn't followed the dresscode...so punishment was no party bag for me ..as if i need it Duh!!!
Met up with me regular buddies ...Simon,Hui,Yiaw and Ong and hey whisky was my only real friend at that time...thirsty!!
Met up with me regular buddies ...Simon,Hui,Yiaw and Ong and hey whisky was my only real friend at that time...thirsty!!
So I went round with my drinks looking up for the rest of me friends and some I had not seen for a long time . One circle cost me to downed about 5 glasses of whisky kow(thick)...and by the time I came back to my nest I was partially piss. Armed with my camera and a fag in my hand I decided to track the whole night's event into history . That was the beginning of the night of bewildment...like the demons were coming out to play.
Anyway..it was Picadilly's best night I had been so far , the crowd was outstanding and it was like everybody (almost) was in a tranced ..beserked by the demons . Definitely the next Halloween it will be a place to check out if your looking for that fun and excitement.
So I leave you now with the light and heavy moments in pictures for you all to ponder and perhaps LOL(laugh out loud) ...compliments to the owners and especially to the striptease who make the night a truly memorable one.
So pictures paints a thousand words that I cannot described and please for the Offended and Offensive , please don't curse ur f@-k !! words on me ..blame yourself for reading this or for being there .......Alamak, Chill out Man!!!

King Of Trance music...he wished!!!

Alcohol intoxicated buddies....Paul n Alex

Jenny , me and Hui....

Party Party Party.....!!!!!

OOO...she's a sleeker !!!!!

Kuching's only outcast dance professionals.......

Talking about one's body ...I rest my case.

Ah!!..the undefeated King Of Strip 2007...Peng Soon!!!

1st runner up...King of Strip!!!!!!

Dont mess with the black angels .....ya?

Hey dance king Andrew Boy d 222 .....!!!!

Some called her umbrella(Amanda)....

Haloween dancers of the night.........

Peace ladies Peace.........!!!

Best'a of the angels......

Juliana n friends..cheft of Magenta(right)

Awesome ladies.........

Ah...pretty's in black.......

Me , Mary Poppins(gorgeous) and Daniel........

"Lesbians " in action...hard on Man,hard on!!!

Mary Poppins won 2 jugs of beer.......

Lucky draw winner presented by Alex (Boss)....

OO Hah Hah......!!!

Three potiential drunkardteers ... Eddie ,me n Daniel

Lovely Lace....haunts u if u there...

Angels Of Death......n Freddie Krugger

Demonic Lovers......

Sisters in Blood....... suck-em up!!!

Beauty and the Beast......

Do u see what I see.......twin botaks!1
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