My last Saturday rendezvous point is at Piccadilly's Traffic Light Party ...........
Whats a Traffic Light Party? A party/dance where you wear colours to show you're availability.
Red = Taken
Yellow = Undecided
Green = Single
But then again ...there were many Black outfits around too, which to me it means free-for-all !!1
So here are them in pictures ............
MY FRIENDS - THE REDS,YELLOWS AND THE MANY GREENS! Penny is a Red and Candy is a Green.
This are all Greens.
Chui and Yen.
Jenny she's a Red too......
Wong is a Green.
The true REDS ....Jenny and Hui!
We are the true Greens!!
Instead of shooting their darts at the Greens and Yellows hanging around , the're (Hui and Eric) shooting it at the dartboard!
Ah Der expandable!!
3 Greens out of 1 Red......We are d Availables!!
Many are enjoying their drinks and moving onto the night.......
I found them ......the true and elite Greens of the Night!!!
This is what Traffic Light Party stands for !!!
The King of Green Traffickers .....Man in G(Green)-String!!!!!
"If we knew the outcome it wouldnt be called reaserch!." -Albert Einstein
Am looking forward to the next one!!!
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